English translation for "tank shell"
- 储罐壳体
罐板 油罐壳体
Related Translations:
shelling: n.1.去壳;去皮。2.去壳的谷物;谷壳。3.用壳荚施肥。4.贝壳采集。5.炮击。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The artillery shells , tank shells , rocket casings - 火炮炮弹坦克炮弹,火箭弹铸件 | | 2. | Tank shells , they need that . tanks shells , ja 坦克用的炮弹,他们正缺那个坦克用的炮弹, | | 3. | Israeli tank shells hit gaza town , 5 killed 以色列炮轰加沙城镇五人丧生 | | 4. | If you set this to 200 or less you will have a tank that fires rapid - fire tank shells , which can look quite funny 如果设为200或一下,你就会有一辆快速射击的坦克,相当好玩。 | | 5. | But some remained behind , and the israeli forces began smashing the outer walls of the compound with tank shells , armored bulldozers and tractors 但是有些人留下了,以军开始用坦克、武装推土机、拖拉机破坏监狱外墙。 | | 6. | In tank seismic design considered the liquid sloshing , hydrodynamic pressure of tank shell , uplifting condition of unanchored tank and effective bottom plate width 而未锚定储槽的槽壁上举状态分析,应将有效上举部分的底板列入设计考量,这些都是储槽耐震分析的重点。 | | 7. | Shell manhole series shall be set on lower tank shell course for people and going out of the tank . the rainforcing plate of manhole is out of socpe supply . you want . acorrding to user drawing , our company can manufacture any type of the products user want 罐壁人口装于油罐下部,人可以由此进入,本产品出厂时不带加强版,如需其他标准或非标人孔,只需提供标准和纸图,我公司即可生产。 | | 8. | Abstract : in this article , some problems existing in the design of apheroidal tank were briefly stated , including the advantages and disadvantages of use of quenched and tempered high strength steel as the material of spheroidal tank shell , thedividing type of the shell , the welding process and the occurrence of the welding crack . thenmthe measures to solve these problems were proposed 文摘:本文简述了调质高强度钢用于球罐壳体材料的优缺点和球罐设计中有关球壳的分割方式,焊接制造加工工艺,焊接裂纹的防止等问题,并提出了相应的建议。 | | 9. | In this article , some problems existing in the design of apheroidal tank were briefly stated , including the advantages and disadvantages of use of quenched and tempered high strength steel as the material of spheroidal tank shell , thedividing type of the shell , the welding process and the occurrence of the welding crack . thenmthe measures to solve these problems were proposed 本文简述了调质高强度钢用于球罐壳体材料的优缺点和球罐设计中有关球壳的分割方式,焊接制造加工工艺,焊接裂纹的防止等问题,并提出了相应的建议。 |
- Similar Words:
- "tank setting" English translation, "tank shackle" English translation, "tank sheet" English translation, "tank sheet iron" English translation, "tank sheet-iron" English translation, "tank shell cooling system" English translation, "tank shell thickness" English translation, "tank ship" English translation, "tank side bracket" English translation, "tank side frame" English translation