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English translation for "tank shell"


Related Translations:
shells:  贝壳贝壳壳体扇贝壳折叠
shelling:  n.1.去壳;去皮。2.去壳的谷物;谷壳。3.用壳荚施肥。4.贝壳采集。5.炮击。
shell shell:  薄壳
mine shell:  地雷壳体
turbo shells:  美国求购贝壳
dingot shell:  直熔锭还原弹外壳
pearl shell:  珍珠母,夜光贝,珍珠贝。
shell angle:  外包板固定角铁
bony shell:  骨包壳
qana shelling:  卡拿炮击事件
Example Sentences:
1.The artillery shells , tank shells , rocket casings -
2.Tank shells , they need that . tanks shells , ja
3.Israeli tank shells hit gaza town , 5 killed
4.If you set this to 200 or less you will have a tank that fires rapid - fire tank shells , which can look quite funny
5.But some remained behind , and the israeli forces began smashing the outer walls of the compound with tank shells , armored bulldozers and tractors
6.In tank seismic design considered the liquid sloshing , hydrodynamic pressure of tank shell , uplifting condition of unanchored tank and effective bottom plate width
7.Shell manhole series shall be set on lower tank shell course for people and going out of the tank . the rainforcing plate of manhole is out of socpe supply . you want . acorrding to user drawing , our company can manufacture any type of the products user want
8.Abstract : in this article , some problems existing in the design of apheroidal tank were briefly stated , including the advantages and disadvantages of use of quenched and tempered high strength steel as the material of spheroidal tank shell , thedividing type of the shell , the welding process and the occurrence of the welding crack . thenmthe measures to solve these problems were proposed
9.In this article , some problems existing in the design of apheroidal tank were briefly stated , including the advantages and disadvantages of use of quenched and tempered high strength steel as the material of spheroidal tank shell , thedividing type of the shell , the welding process and the occurrence of the welding crack . thenmthe measures to solve these problems were proposed
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